Monday, December 29, 2008


Guess this is what I do when I'm bored. Sit in front of the computer doing almost nothing except at times to clear some stuffs. I don't plan to work because my results will be out in January next year which is real soon, and then I planned to start of with my course. No more wasting time. No more! I rested enough already. Haha. The more I rest, the more lazy I will be. Oh ya, just sitting here I realised how close is it to start off a new year. I'm happy and looking forward to what comes ahead. There are actually a few things that I want to accomplish in the year 2009. To climb Mount Kinabalu is probably one of them right now. I actually saw some old men and even old ladies who successfully climb the mountain. How they managed to? That was a suprise to me. It was! All this while I thought, only people who are in their 20s or 30s or 40s climb but I was wrong. I salute them for their determination. It is not easy although it seems to look as it is. Then I thought to my self, if they can do it, why not me? Even, Kenny Sia had climbed already. If I can't do it in the year 09' then I shall wait for the years ahead.

Moving on, just a rondom shot of me and Wai Han.This picture was taken a month ago I think. We LOVE our teeth. Definitely! Thank you Mum for forcing us to brush our teeth when we were young. :)

Happy reading people.

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